Our School Day

School Hours

We operate a ‘soft start’ to the school day which means our Y1 – Y6 classrooms are open from 8:40am each day. We formally begin school promptly at 8.55am and would ask you to make sure your child is on time, as the start of the day sets the scene for the children and they will miss important learning if they are late. Our Reception year group does not take part in soft start and their drop off time is at 9am. 

We ask all parents to accompany their child to the school gates. Due to our location in the heart of Walthamstow and with our school street, we recognise that parking is a challenge and ask that parents, where possible, walk to school or utilise the many number of buses that stop close to the entrance.

If your child is late for school, please report to the School Office so that they can be marked present. Children arriving after their drop off time will be marked as late.

At the end of the school day (end times are at 3:30 for Reception, 3:25 for Years 1,2 and 3 or at 3:30 Years 4,5&6), please ensure you are waiting for your child at their collection time as children can become distressed when not collected on time. Please note, children will not be released to anyone not listed on their contact sheet unless we have been informed in writing by email before 2:45pm on the day of collection. 

If you require your child to walk home from school (Year 5 & Year 6 only) we will not release them unless we have this confirmed in writing by email with notice of at least 24 hours.

Our school week is a total of 32.5 hours.

Extended School Services

Breakfast Club starts from 7:30am and the children are taken to their class for their registration time.

Evenings start from the children’s end of the day time to 6:30pm